
Anglican churches are not financially supported by the government or Church of England and all our income comes from donations from visitors, hall hirers, social events and church members. Our gas bills have quadrupled and our electricity bills have doubled.

You can give electronically – our account details are 40 45 21/00445282, cheques can be made payable to Waltham Cross PCC … or contact the Vicar to find out how to donate by cash.

This is our new QR code. You will need your card details the first time, but after that it will remember you.

£5 is suggested, but you can change the amount.

We now have text giving: to donate to Christ Church, text 2020CHURCH (amount) to 70085 (so, for example, to give £5, text 2020CHURCH 5 to 70085). Please use caps and leave a space between church and the number.

Every little helps. Thank you.